Jackie Fellows <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Hi Bill

I know that there are good arguments on both sides of the camp on this
issue.  I grew up with guns in the house all my life and my girls were taught
gun safety and the whole works.  I shoot although not the greatest and Ed is
a target shooter.  Of course, we do not have children in the house and our
dobes are a pretty good protection system against them getting stolen.  We
have a number of LE friends who Ed shoots with and I enjoy the outings.  So
it would be difficult for me, personally, to support the banning of guns even
though I see they do have some valid points and see how often guns are so
readily available for those who shouldn't have guns.  The assault weapons are
something else entirely though--this IMO should not even be manufactured.


William J. Foristal wrote:

> [EMAIL PROTECTED] (William J. Foristal) writes:
> Hi Jackie,
> Yeah, we have people getting injured and killed via gunshots down here
> and it always seems to be someone who would never touch the gun or who
> had gone through such an intensive training and safety course that they'd
> never have an accident.
> Then we have those brilliant people who don't lock up their guns and
> manage to get them stolen.  There's a Catch 22 for you.  How can you
> protect yourself with a gun if you have to keep it locked up? <G>
> A senator from Illinois is presenting a bill that would create a law to
> punish gun owners whose guns are stolen and then used in a crime, or
> whose guns are involved in an accidental shooting.  Of course, the NRA
> opposes this.
> Bill
> On Thu, 02 Apr 1998 18:22:12 -0600 Jackie Fellows <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> writes:
> >Jackie Fellows <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> >
> >
> >Hi Bill
> >
> >The tornado at St Peter edged out any news on the 13 year old in our
> >wonderful paper.  But, yesterday Tom (the one that was the police
> >chief in
> >Grand Meadow) and I talked to the county sheriff and it sounds like
> >the
> >child has not had an easy time.  But, it still shouldn't have caused
> >him to
> >kill others.  I do know that guns were left lying around the house
> >when he
> >lived up here and the mother was not worried as she said the kids knew
> >about guns and what they go do.  She also said that they wouldn't
> >touch the
> >guns.
> >
> >jackief
> >
> >William J. Foristal wrote:
> >
> >> [EMAIL PROTECTED] (William J. Foristal) writes:
> >>
> >> Hi Jackie,
> >>
> >> I thought your phrasing was impeccable, as usual, and you are 100%
> >> correct in what you posted. :)
> >>
> >> The more I read about that 13 year old the more bizarre that case
> >gets.
> >> Looks to me that not only the kid, but his father and step-father
> >had a
> >> lot of problems.  Too bad they can't see these things ahead of time
> >and
> >> intercede.  Also, I think that kids need to be sensitized to the
> >fact
> >> that they should immediately report any comments from another kid
> >that
> >> they plan to kill or hurt someone.  Times really change.  When I was
> >a
> >> kid the worst that happened was a fist fight to settle differences.
> >>
> >> Bill
> >>
> >> On Wed, 01 Apr 1998 17:23:33 -0600 Jackie Fellows
> >> writes:
> >> >Jackie Fellows <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> >> >
> >> >
> >> >Hi Bill
> >> >
> >> >I guess I did sort of phrase it wrong : ).  Lucky some of you know
> >me
> >> >and can
> >> >fill in the gaps when I quickly write something.  But I do know
> >there
> >> >are not
> >> >many I talk too would take a polygraph.
> >> >
> >> >There is sure a flurry of activity going on around here over the
> >> >Arkansas
> >> >thing.  The 13 year old spent summers up here with his
> >grandparents.
> >> >My
> >> >colleague who appeared on tv has been swamped with calls wanting an
> >> >interview.  He had CBS sitting in his driveway, CNN called, NBC,
> >> >Fox--really
> >> >something wild.
> >> >
> >> >jackief
> >> >
> >> >William J. Foristal wrote:
> >> >
> >> >> [EMAIL PROTECTED] (William J. Foristal) writes:
> >> >>
> >> >> On Wed, 01 Apr 1998 06:53:52 -0600 Jackie Fellows
> >> >> writes:
> >> >> >Jackie Fellows <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> >> >> >
> >> >> >
> >> >> >Hi Sue
> >> >> >
> >> >> >Thanks for ferreting out pertinent info. for all of us.  I am
> >not
> >> >sure
> >> >> >I
> >> >> >read this right--my eyes might be biased <VBG>, but it seems the
> >> >> >Supreme
> >> >> >court is not willing to accept the idea that the polygraph is
> >> >> >admissible.
> >> >> >Am I correct in this??
> >> >> >
> >> >> >jackief
> >> >>
> >> >> Hi Jackie,
> >> >>
> >> >> Yes, you are correct.  Although the court did not rule out
> >> >acceptance of
> >> >> lie detector tests in future cases that may be supported by more
> >> >> compelling evidence, they ruled that the evidence presented in
> >this
> >> >case
> >> >> was not sufficient to warrant approval.  In other words, they did
> >> >not buy
> >> >> the amicus brief citing the 90% accuracy data.
> >> >>
> >> >> Some comments in the ruling:
> >> >>
> >> >> "There is simply no consensus that polygraph evidence is
> >reliable."
> >> >>
> >> >> "To this day, the scientific community remains extremely
> >polarized
> >> >about
> >> >> the reliability of polygraph techniques.  There is simply no way
> >to
> >> >know
> >> >> in a particular case whether a polygraph examiner's conclusion is
> >> >> accurate."
> >> >>
> >> >> Bill
> >> >>
> >> >>
> >>
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