Richard Soderstrom <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Ron I believe you wrote the following
It surely does not matter at what age the cut off for the death penalty is
made.  If one believes in the death penalty, then the entire juvenile
justice system needs to be eliminated, and the death penalty applied to ALL
of society without regard to race, religion, sex or age.  The death penalty
would be reserved for certain heinous crimes with complete disregard for the
demographic characteristics of the criminal.   Ron (donning my asbestos
armor once again )

 99 percent of lawyers give the rest a bad name.

Sody Sez:
How about an execution based on total amount of prison sentence accrued in
a lifetime?  ie  a person sentenced to a total of ten years in a life time
will be executed as undesirable to society.  Sentencing could be changed to
account for the fact that a person cane reform.  ie shorter sentences, and
society would rid itself of the person who has no respect for law.
Execution would not be a punishment but disposal of an undesirable.

The dirty old Gandy Dancer

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