>DocCec <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

>In a message dated 98-04-21 14:44:56 EDT, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
><< I don't think that they should go that far.  :)  But I do think that
> they should hold parents responsible to see that their kids aren't
> wandering the streets at midnight and beyond, go to school, and not
> carrying guns or other weapons.  I honestly don't think that is asking
> too much.
> Sue >>
>Not every child can be controlled, Sue, and not every parent can control.  The
>family living upstairs from me consists of a mother and three sons, ages 19,
>16 and 13.  All three are good kids, but if they weren't there'd be little she
>could do about it.  The two oldest are taller and heavier than she, and the
>youngest is rapidly getting there.

Even beyond that, Doc, is the increasing willingness of the government to
assume a position of authority but leaving all the responsibility with the
parents.  The government is willing to even kill kids but it is the parents'

Best,     Terry 

"Lawyer - one trained to circumvent the law"  - The Devil's Dictionary 

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