Sue Hartigan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Hi Doc:

I certainly understand where you are coming from on this.  However you
said it yourself that these kids are good kids.  And they didn't get
that way by themselves, IMO.  

I have two sons one who is 6'4" and was that tall in high school,
another 6', and a daughter 5'10".  I'm 5'3" and raised these kids from
the time the oldest was in Jr High til the youngest was a senior in high
school alone.  (dad died)

If I had tried to control these kids for the first time when they were
in high school, no way could I have done so.

But the fact that they were taught when they were real little that you
respect authority, don't smart mouth, and do what you are told to do
helped.  As I am sure the woman you are talking about did. 

As they get older they have their own minds.  That is when you listen to
their ideas, respect their ideas as well as the kid, and talk things
over.  IMO  Most of the time kids can be very bright and figure things

Of course I had my problems too.  Still do.  But I believe that if you
listen to your kids and talk to them, care about where they are and what
they are doing, and instill in them at a very young age that a respect
for authority is a good thing, you have less problems.

But a parent has to take the time, energy, and love to do all this.  And
unfortunately some, not all, don't want to, or can't.  And it is the kid
who ends up suffering.

> Not every child can be controlled, Sue, and not every parent can control.  The
> family living upstairs from me consists of a mother and three sons, ages 19,
> 16 and 13.  All three are good kids, but if they weren't there'd be little she
> could do about it.  The two oldest are taller and heavier than she, and the
> youngest is rapidly getting there.
> Doc

Two rules in life:

1.  Don't tell people everything you know.

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