Jackie Fellows <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Hi Sue

I would think that they knew the surrogate mother so they would be a part of
the pregnancy--social support, etc.  Also, they would maybe feel they could
bond more easily with the child because they would be at the birth, I would
imagine.  Who donated the sperm and egg--was it a relative?   That might be
a reason.  Being there while the woman is carrying the child, they might
feel they can make sure the child is not exposed to smoking, alcohol, undue
environmental stress.  That is a few things I could think of.  The cynical
part of me says it may be they want to have a designer baby.  Adopting a
child does not give you the opportunity to match the characteristics you
want with the child you will be raising.  There was something on tv about
designer babies recently that suggested some of these very things.


Sue Hartigan wrote:

> Sue Hartigan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> Hi Jackie:
> Something came up on television last night that made me think (that is
> something in itself) :).
> There is a woman who could not have children, and her husband could not
> have them either for some medical reason.  So they managed to get a
> donated egg, and a donated sperm, have them put together and put into a
> donated woman who bore them a child.
> My question is this, why?  Why not just adopt a child?  In this case the
> baby is not genetically either of theirs, and the woman didn't carry the
> child, so what was the purpose?
> Just made me wonder.
> Sue
> >
> > Hi Bill
> >
> > I never thought of adoption in just that way.  Interesting concept.
> >
> > jackief
> --
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