Sue Hartigan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Hi Jackie:

I am putting a book in the mail for you today.  I have been meaning to
send it to you for a long time.  You have to read this, it is
fascinating as to how the weather, etc effects crime.

I know that the police depts are aware of the full moon thing.  A lot of
the cops that I have met have told me so.  And I know that medical
people are very much aware of it also.  But no one seems to know why. 
At least if they do they have never told me.  :)

I wish someone would send me somewhere all expenses paid.  And Seattle
that is suppose to be beautiful.

> Hi Sue
> I wonder if anyone has examined crime rates, domestic abuse, etc. using phases of the
> moon as a variable??  I know they have looked at seasons in regard to suicide,
> depression, and births.  Will try to check that out when I prepare for next fall's
> classes this summer.
> Off-topic:  I may luck out--am holding my breath.  The Dean may send me to Seattle 
> summer for a two-day workshop.  All expenses paid, except my shopping spree of 
> I am really hoping it works out.
> jackief

Two rules in life:

1.  Don't tell people everything you know.

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