Sue Hartigan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Hi Bill:

It's call the will to live, and that isn't something that can be taught
to anyone, unfortunately.  :(

> Hi Jackie,
> I think that religious beliefs will always have to depend on faith
> instead of proof.  I like to think that scientists choose their areas of
> research based on what will be of most benefit to mankind, but I know
> that is wishful thinking.  But I DO think it's worth studying why some
> people seem to be able to fight for survival against certain diseases and
> trauma while others die quickly without much of a fight.  Is there
> something that can be taught that would enable everyone to fight for
> their life in these situations?
> Bill

May the leprechauns be near you to spread luck along your way.  And may
all the Irish angels smile upon you this St. Patrick's Day.

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