[EMAIL PROTECTED] (William J. Foristal) writes:

On Thu, 23 Apr 1998 11:51:39 -0700 "Ronald Helm" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>"Ronald Helm" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>Perhaps a better question than why NOW should support Jones is why the
>>right wing whacko's, who have never cared about women's rights in the
>>past, and who have tried to defeat any legislation designed to 
>>women's rights, are now so concerned about them.
>Because the usual left wing whackos, whose civil liberties stand I 
>have all of a sudden bought into Hillary's and your "Vast Right Wing
>Conspiracy Theory" and taken a schizophrenic stand to go against what 
>were founded to do, and that is support women's rights.  They need to 
>more consistent.   Ron

HI Ron,

LMAO...this is called a "mirror image" argument and I thought of it
first! <BG>  Do you think that supporting women who falsely claim they
are sexually harassed would go very far to support women's rights?  Paula
Jones should be ashamed of herself.  She has set women's rights back 30
years with her agreement to be a puppet of the right wing conspirators in
exchange for money.  


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