Richard Soderstrom <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

>HI Ron,
>I gave examples of how the law differs depending upon the age of the
>person.  It computes exactly!  Your position was that the law should be
>the same no matter what the age of the person.  It is the law that
>imposes the death penalty and the system of justice is what carries out
>the law.  Your position is not supporte by precedent in many situations
>as I've pointed out.  Translated, your position does not compute. :)  But
>take heart, there are plenty of adults executed so your apparent glee in
>reading about them will not be diminished. <G>

Sody Sez:
Precedent does not make justice. It is only justifaction of a conclusion.
A poor excuse for making the same mistake twice.

 I can't speak for Ron, but admit I take satisfaction in the execution of
adults If I feel they are guilty of the crime.  I take no pleasure and
experience great sadness when innocent people are  slaughtered by some
deranged nut.  Who probably can blame it all on his upbringing or better
yet can't be convicted because they didn't Merandize him.

The dirty old Gandy Dancer

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