Sue Hartigan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Hi BIll:

Makes me wonder what in the world could go so wrong in the life of a
child that young to make him  do such things, and laugh about it

The parents didn't seem like the type who would abuse him, but then one
never knows I guess.

He did tell his mother that he wanted to hurt/kill someone a few days
before it happened.  

> HI Sue,
> IMO, for anyone to do something like this they must have very serious
> mental problems.  So I don't expect them to show the emotions that we
> might expect in a normal person.  And his attorney is going to say
> anything that might garner some sympathy in the court of public opinion.
> So I don't put much weight onto his statements.
> Bill

Two rules in life:

1.  Don't tell people everything you know.

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