Sue Hartigan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Hi Sody:

A district attorney, the other night on Nightline, said that the law and
prison aren't about rehabilitation.  They are about justice and

> Bill :
>  How can you justify putting anyone in a cell for twenty five years??  I
> see no sense in our present system of criminal justice.  Prisons if you
> must have them should be a sincere effort to reform the individual and
> getting him back as a productive member of society.  If that is not
> possible than dispose of him so that he is no longer a burden on society.
> I can't imagine anything more horrible that sentencing a young person  ( or
> an old person either) to Life Without Parole, really Life Without Hope.. On
> one hand we talk of assisted suicide and euthanasia as a relief for such a
> life and on the other condemn people to that very thing in the justice
> system.
> Someone suggested twenty five years for a thirteen year old.  In jail until
> thirty eight??  What kind of a person will he be and what kind of life will
> he be able to lead??
> I guess I am the Dr. Kevorkian of law and order.
> The dirty old Gandy Dancer

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1.  Don't tell people everything you know.

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