Hi Joan,

Reginald Denny is not universally forgotten.  It is not likely that a
misshapen head is the worst that Denny suffered.  His meekness is most
likely interrupted by periods of rage as for most such cases of brain
damage.  His injuries are permanent.  The trial of Damian Williams was
another travesty as was the original trial of the cops.  Some forget that
Briseno should never have been tried at all yet was tried twice.  It's just
"the cops" that are discussed.

>"Joan Moyer" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>Hello Vi,
>I found it unfair to the taxpayers that King and his lawyers made so much
>money from the incident.  I remember reading at the time the lawyers were
>criticized for charging an inordinate amount of money.  What was the case
>where a white truck driver was trying to get out of the riot area and a
>group of young black men stopped him and one beat him almost to death with
>a brick.  He left the man to die and that would have happened except a
>humane black man got him to the hospital in time.  I believe the trucker
>almost died and his head is still misshapen.  What punishment did a
>predominantly black jury impose upon the perpetrator?  How many millions
>did the trucker receive?  I can't remember all the details or even the
>man's name.  How sad that the name of the trucker is forgotten while the
>name of a criminal like King is known and he became almost a hero.
>                                       Joan  
>> From: Viola Provenzano <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>> Subject: Re: L&I The Rodney King Beating - The Other Story part two
>> Date: Monday, April 27, 1998 7:35 PM
>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Viola Provenzano) writes:
>> Hi Bill,
>> Seems to me they paid for NOT breaking the law.  Just as Rodney King was
>> the law-breaker, it is the cops that got tried and went to jail.  Ole
>> Rodney ended up smelling like a rose, a millionaire free to continue his
>> dissolute lifestyle.  This is all too typical of alf our topsy-turvy
>> times
>> Vi
>> "What the world needs more of is not love, but justice."  Anon.
>> __________________________________________
>> You wrote:
>> . . .<<<I"m sure King and the cops DO know exactly what went down.  And
>> they all paid for breaking the law.>>>
Best,     Terry 

"Lawyer - one trained to circumvent the law"  - The Devil's Dictionary 

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