Sue Hartigan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Hi Bill:

The only thing that I have ever really read about dreams said that they
are a way of letting off emotions that are pent up in your mind during
the day.  Your mind is completely relaxed so therefore your fears,
wants, whatever are free to roam.

They can be a mixture of the real and the imagination.  You can mix real
experiences with those your read about, see on television, or whatever. 
Most people dream off and on all night long, but don't remember them. 
And if you do remember a dream it is more than likely the one you had
just before you woke up.

I have also read that people do dream in color, and that they can
actually feel whatever it is that they are dreaming, such as fear, love,

I read that in some med book a long time ago.  And it didn't really
interpret dreams, it just tried to explain how the brain works.

Have you ever read so many books that you get them all mixed up and
can't really remember which book said what?  I do that all the time. :) 
Especially when I was reading all those Simpson books, or when I get
into reading one author like John Grisham.  I get all the plots mixed
together.  LOL

> HI Sue,
> I have a recurring dream where I'm reading a newspaper or a book and I
> can't understand a word of what I'm reading.  I think that in some dreams
> we are using a part of the brain that does not have access to another
> part needed to comprehend something.  In fact, many dreams probably mimic
> the real life experience of people who have mental problems or physical
> brain damage.  That's just a personal theory, though.
> Bill

Two rules in life:

1.  Don't tell people everything you know.

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