"Dr. L. [Ph.d., J.D.]" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Good questions there Kathy, one doesn't know, *willy* ever tell the
whole story?
------------------------Kathy E wrote:--------------------------------
> Kathy E <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> Well let's see we have a Willey trying to say Willy did something wrong
> by forcing her hand on his little willy, my question is, isn't there a
> saying called a wet willie???
> I know I'm Bad!!!!! LOL
> William J. Foristal wrote:
> >
> > [EMAIL PROTECTED] (William J. Foristal) writes:
> >
> > Hi Kathy,
> >
> > Certainly if the statements Willey made on 60 Minutes are true, then the
> > President has committed perjury and should resign immediately.
> >
> > The question is, who is lying?  Willey or Willy. <G>
> >
> > Bill
> --
> Kathy E
> "I can only please one person a day, today is NOT your day, and tomorrow
> isn't looking too good for you either"
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