Sue Hartigan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Hi Jackie:

I really found her very credible.  She just seems like she was telling
the truth.

But now that the letters and the book deal has come out, I dunno,
I keep going back to the fact that Starr has been trying all these years
to get something on the President, and so far he has been unable to. 
This time though there is no doubt that either she is lying or the
President is lying.  Let's see if she gets brought up on charges of

The latest poll taken say that the majority of the men in the country
thought that she was telling the truth, whereas the majority of the
women thought otherwise.  

But someone tonight explained that as being that the majority of the men
are Republicans whereas the majority of the women are Democrats.  <BG>


> Hi Sue
> I don't know who leaked it finally, but I would imagine someone at the Pentagon 
>after the digging
> started.  Somehow I wonder if Tripp doesn't have a direct hotline to someone or 
>something--like you
> say, she is always there in the background.
> I watched 60 Minutes too, as did Ed.  Ed found her very creditable, but I was a 
>little cynical.  I
> kept wavering back and forth as she talked.  I can see ole Bill (C) doing the number 
>with Jones and
> Lewinsky, but somehow I would think he was a little smarter than to try it with one 
>of his friend's
> wife out of the clear blue sky.  I am not saying that she invited this if it 
>occurred, but common
> sense tells me most people don't sh## in their own backyards, so to speak.  It 
>seemed in some
> instances though that she was trying to close up some of the arguments that the 
>defense could
> suggest in the Lewinsky affair.  One thing I caught (or thought I heard)--it wasn't 
>in the Oval
> office, but his study, right??  Little detail, I know, but those little details are 
> important.  Another thing that bothered me somewhat is the naive, hesitant little 
>girl that was on
> 60 Minutes (my, my, such cynicism this morning).  This is no 21 year old intern and 
>this was someone
> who did not want the story public.  If someone had made my story public, I would not 
>be this
> hesitant little woman--I would be angry that a friend had made a pass and a friend 
>had made it
> public and drew me into this mess.  But, I am not Willey.
> I have a tough time with Bennett sometimes--he is a good example of the good ole' 
>boy network and
> their ideas about women.  Remember his remark about Jones?  And, sometimes I feel he 
>is about to
> make another wonderful statement like he did then.
> So I am still waiting--but I still think the money could be spent in better places 
>and I am
> wondering more about the deal where a private citizen cannot bring up ethics charges 
>on a
> Congressperson, only another Congressperson is allowed to do that.  Hmm.

May the leprechauns be near you to spread luck along your way.  And may
all the Irish angels smile upon you this St. Patrick's Day.

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