Kathy E <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Damn Mac! I'm glad you don't serve as judge for all otherwise hell when
I had a LCDR rub his groin against me and I told him if he did it again
I would put him on report in which I would have, the way your speaking I
should have left and never gone back.

I didn't quit work I didn't fall into a slobbering heap on the floor
unable to go on, hell I dealt with it and I worked with him for two
years after the incident but I guess since I continued to work with him
my credibility has been shot to hell huh and the incident never

He even signed my evals after this, he had to since he was in my chain
of command. I guess that would be used to show I lied since he didn't
lower my marks due to the fact I wouldn't have an affair with him. OTOH
he was finally caught, having an affair with a e-3 and was taken to
court martial for it. Guess I could have went and testified against him,
but I didn't. You know why? Because some of us who work with mainly men
have learned how to deal with the harassment and to let the men know
what will and will not be tolerated, It's part of life for a lot of
women Mac. It's not a pretty part but it's there. Not all men sexually
harass women just as not all women are innocent either but to think one
would leave immediately if it happens is pretty unrealistic of you to
think that. It doesn't work that way, it didn't with me or with most
women I know. It's nice to think that is what we would do, but reality
is much different.

moonshine wrote:
> moonshine <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> Evenin',
>    It didn't take long for Ms. Willey's credibility to get blown out of the water.
> I think if Ken Starr did his homework she never would've appeared on 60 mis.
> Sorry Ken, your little ruse to get this info out has backfired. If this was your 
> gun I think you just shot yourself in the foot. How many holes does that make now?
>    IIMO, she will never make it to a court room to either testify or be charged with
> perjury. Today's revealing events again bolster my claim that this is nothing more 
>than a
> political witch hunt and the slandering of the president is now becoming criminal. 
> beginning to think that the one person that should be investigated for obstruction of
> justice
> and subbornation of perjury is the dishonorable Ken Starr himself.
> ...Mac
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Kathy E
"I can only please one person a day, today is NOT your day, and tomorrow
isn't looking too good for you either"
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