Steve Wright <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

I think that for women who work in areas which are male dominated then they
have there work cut of for them as managers don't always see them as
professionals who are skillful in there area of expertise, but as women.  I
saw this while traveling round in the RAF and in IT.  One of the best IT
managers I have ever met was a wonderful woman who was mainly self taught
like myself.  And I spent a enjoyable morning when I visited the company
talking shop.
I found incredible, the lack of respect some of her superiors had for her,
and that was only after a morning of being in there IT department.  I hope
that someday there will be a little more respect, I know there will be in my
company when I get it off the ground.

Because some of us who work with mainly men
have learned how to deal with the harassment and to let the men know
what will and will not be tolerated, It's part of life for a lot of
women Mac. It's not a pretty part but it's there. Not all men sexually
harass women just as not all women are innocent either but to think one
would leave immediately if it happens is pretty unrealistic of you to
think that. It doesn't work that way, it didn't with me or with most
women I know. It's nice to think that is what we would do, but reality
is much different.

Yep.................... the first thing most people do is put up with
harassment in the workplace because of the fact that there aren't many good
jobs going so you put up with things,  the sorry case of affairs is that
some people know this and try and exploit people because of this.  Before I
moved into IT I was harassed by a gay guy who worked in the firm and believe
me for a young 18 yr. old at the time it is frightening.  I guess though it
has worked in my favor in the long run because you learn to cope and put
your foot down very sharply, and let people know what you'll accept,  most
of the time you can use wit and sarcasm to put some in there place but how
do you do that when the person causing you grief is the boss,  very


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