Sue Hartigan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

SACRAMENTO, Calif., May 4 (UPI) _ Theodore Kaczynski gets perhaps his
last chance today
to explain in public why he became the notorious UNABOMber. 

Then he will be sentenced to spend the rest of his life in prison
without release or legal appeal. 

The 55-year-old former math professor, who went to Evergreen Park High
School in Illinois,
accepted the terms in January to avoid the death penalty. In return, he
pleaded guilty to 13 charges
involving five of the 16 serial bombings, three of them fatal. 

Justice Department spokeswoman Leesa Brown says U.S. District Judge
Garland Burrell Jr. will
give victims the opportunity to speak at today's formal sentencing
proceeding in Sacramento, Calif. 

Kaczynski also will be allowed to speak, either directly or through his

His own published ``manifesto'' and writings seized from his Montana
cabin in April 1996 offer a
conflicting picture of the hermit. 

They portray him as an anarchist dedicated to attacking university
researchers, airlines and other
symbols of industrial society. 

But other writings show Kaczynski was motivated mainly by personal
revenge against people whose
ideas, lifestyles or jobs he hated beginning while he was a graduate
student in 1966. 

The Harvard University product wrote before he took a teaching post at
the University of
California, Berkeley: ``I will kill, but I will make at least some
effort to avoid detection, so that I can
kill again.'' 

Prosecutors have asked the judge to recommend incarceration in a maximum
security prison, with
the exact site to be determined by the U. S. Bureau of Prisons within
the next few weeks. 
Two rules in life:

1.  Don't tell people everything you know.

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