[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Viola Provenzano) writes:

Hi Bill,

Just because a psychological condition cannot be "scientifically"
measured does not mean that we discard it, throwing out the baby with the
bathwater.  As laymen, we are free to speculate and apply the knowledge
left us concerning whatever some scientists have spent their entire lives
studying and classifying.

What was said here about Simpson's possibly homesexual tendencies was not
said to "piss him off"  It was mere speculation about what caused him to
be so abusive of Nicole and  what exactly led him to finally butcher her
and her friend,  Any time there is an effect, there is a cause.  I always
want to know the probable cause of a vicious murder.and to seek all
possible explanations, even if they may seem a little out in left field..

Not that it had any bearing on Simpson's sexual orientation, but his dad
was a closet homosexual until he left left OJ's mother to live a
different lifestyle.   


"What the world needs more of is not love, but justice."  Anon.
You wrote:

Hi Bill,

Just because a psychological condition cannot be scientifically measured
does not mean that we throw out the baby with the bath water.  We are
free to speculate based on whatever some scientists have spent their
entire lives studying and classifying.

What was said here about Simpson's possibly homesexual tendencies was not
said to "piss him off"  It was mere speculation about what caused him to
be so abusive of Nicole and  what exactly led him to finally butcher her
and her friend,  Any time there is an effect, there is a cause.  I always
want to know the probable cause of a vicious murder.and to seek all
possible explanations, even if they may seem a little out in left field..

Not that it had any bearing on Simpson's sexual orientation, but his dad
was a closet homosexual until he left left OJ's mother to live a
different lifestyle.

As for who may have helped S. after the crimes, I nominate Jason.   


"What the world needs more of is not love, but justice."  Anon.
You wrote:

<<< IMO, the only reason the subject of latent homosexuality ever came up
with respect to Simpson is because people thought this would be a way to
really get to him and cause him much anger and distress.  Many experts in
this field refer to this as psycho-babble.  As you, Terry and others have
pointed out, something like this is impossible to define, impossible to
measure and impossible to prove under true scientific conditions.  It
also falls under the "who gives a shit" category.>>>

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