[EMAIL PROTECTED] (William J. Foristal) writes:

On Wed, 6 May 1998 13:22:53 -0700 "Ronald Helm" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>"Ronald Helm" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>"The widespread reactions from patients have raised questions
>about how the media report word of preliminary medical advances.
>Those questions were deepened in the current case by confirmation
>from several publishing houses that the New York Times reporter
>whose story kicked off the current fever had circulated a book
>proposal about the alleged cancer cure--only to withdraw it
>Tuesday. "
>It sounds to me as if two soldiers in their bunkers, should think 
>eating a little crow and apologizing to Terry Hallinan.  The critics 
>of the
>media even use the world cruel, but since cruel is an adjective, hoax 
>may be
>implied. The hoax was not from the researchers, but from the media...a
>deliberate attempt to deceive.  Ron

Hi Ron,

LOL, find and adjective and then pick your noun???  Nice work if you can
get it.  Sorry, but you can play the role of the apologist here.  Terry's
initial note, subject AND message, clearly made the claim that the hoax
was on the part of the researchers. Everyone, including yourself, pointed
out to him that his opinion was incorrect.  Some used stronger words than
you did. <BG>

We've seen the media hype and the public reactions to numerous drugs in
the past where breakthroughs have been seen in animal studies.  That part
is not new.  And the stock market always reacts from a psychological
standpoint than a fiscal standpoint.  Otherwise people would not pay 50
dollars for a share in a company that has no product to sell.

Nope, I've seen that tactic of posting some stupid statement and then
trying to back pedal to a position where it appears the person who posted
it had some credibility. I don't apologize for speaking out against those
kind of posts and those kind of tactics.  IMO, they hinder the exchange
of REAL ideas and concepts.


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