[EMAIL PROTECTED] (William J. Foristal) writes:

>Hi Sue,
>I have no quarrel with you.  I do with your semantics but that is a 
>point. You do not make personal attacks like Mac and Bill when you 
>have no
>logic or reason to back you up.  I don't think you would call anyone a 
>like they have even when you know someone is lying. :-}

I never called you a liar.  But I'd have a tad more respect for you if
you were merely a liar.  Whatever needs you have to feed your ego seems
to require the posting of ridiculous and outrageous statements to elicit
a strong response from many people followed by your back pedalling and
denials, all the while boring people with long winded anecdotes that have
nothing to do with what is being discussed.

But I will be the first to acknowledge your right to post whatever you
choose to post.  Others can evaluate, decide and respond as they choose
also.  I realize this group is a bit tamer than what you encounter on the
net news groups, but I think they make themselves understood quite
clearly.  As you've said, you certainly have the right to make a fool of
yourself.  The Constitution guarantees it!


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