"Yvonne " <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Hear Geraldo last night?   Even he kicked the "Democrats" and his beloved
Clinton administration for the filthy tricks of getting Victoria Toensing
and Joe DiGenova permanently barred from opinion television/political
-----Original Message-----
From: Sue Hartigan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Thursday, May 07, 1998 11:11 AM
Subject: L&I Dems Walk Out of Gingrich Speech

>Sue Hartigan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>Dems Walk Out of Gingrich Speech
>>           CONCORD, N.H. (AP) -- Two dozen Democrats walked out of
>>           the New Hampshire Legislature today during a speech by
>>           Newt Gingrich in which he criticized President Clinton
>>           as being passive in the face of wrongdoing in his
>>           administration.
>>           ``If a crime has been committed, the American people
>>           have a right to know,'' the House speaker told the
>>           GOP-dominated Legislature. He added that the president
>>           should take an active role in uncovering any wrongdoing
>>           in his administration.
>>           ``It's not enough to be passive,'' he said.
>>           Gingrich then criticized Whitewater figure Webster
>>           Hubbell, saying ``He had to resign and go to jail.
>>           Between resigning and going to jail, he got $720,000
>>           from 18 different sources, including $100,000 from
>>           Indonesians.''
>>           As the first of 20 to 30 Democrats in the 400-member
>>           House headed up the aisles, Gingrich reacted.
>>           ``People can walk out, but what I'm saying is a fact
>>           about a crime,'' he said. Republicans then interrupted
>>           him with loud and sustained applause.
>>           ``Let me just say how sad I am about the people who
>>           just walked out,'' Gingrich added.
>>           Rep. Ray Buckley of Manchester was among those who
>>           left.
>>           ``There is a time and a place for that sort of garbage.
>>           That is the way he runs Congress, not the way he speaks
>>           in the well of the New Hampshire Legislature,'' Buckley
>>           said.
>>           ``I believe he disgraced his position as speaker of the
>>           House and offended many.''
>>           Buckley said Democrats had discussed in advance the
>>           idea of a walkout if Gingrich gave a harshly partisan
>>           speech.
>>           State Republican Chairman Steve Duprey called the
>>           walkout ``incredibly rude,'' and said, ``It puts
>>           Democrats in the ridiculous position of defending Webb
>>           Hubbell.''
>>           Gingrich was making his third recent visit to the state
>>           with the nation's earliest presidential primary.
>>           Potential presidential candidates occasionally get a
>>           chance to speak to the Legislature about pending
>>           federal legislation and similar issues.
>>           The Democratic leader of the New Hampshire House stayed
>>           put, somewhat unhappily. Rep. Peter Burling said
>>           Gingrich had ``unceremoniously attacked, in the most
>>           partisan way, the head of my party and the heart of my
>>           party.''
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>1.  Don't tell people everything you know.
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