[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Viola Provenzano) writes:

Hi Yvonne and Mac,

>From a Kennedy Democrat born again Libertarian:

I like the DeGenovas immensely and cannot imagine not seeing them on the
tube from time to time.  


"What the world needs more of is not love, but justice."  Anon.
Mac wrote:

. . .<<< I didn't hear they were barred. The way I believe what
happened was that there was pressure from Democrats for them to cease
their political commentary , mainly anti-Clinton and pro Starr, due to
the fact that are representing some Teamster issues I>>>. . .   I didn't
hear they were barred. The way I believe whathappened was that
>there was pressure from Democrats for them to cease their political
commentary , mainly anti-Clinton and pro Starr, due to the fact that are
representing some Teamster issues I>>>. . .

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