[EMAIL PROTECTED] (William J. Foristal) writes:

>I think it's obvious that this is the kind of prejudice that convinced
>our forefathers to institute the innocent until proven guilty phrasing in
>the Constitution.  

Bill, you can hunt and search, you can use a magnifying glass, you can use a
computer to search it but nowhere in our Constitution is there any such

The prejudice against a raped woman should be understood in this context.
The rapist's lawyer always attacks the woman ruthlessly as a promiscuous,
vindictive woman.  If you go into a case saying every woman who claims to be
raped is lying and that there is always another side, then you should most
certainly not be permitted on a jury, any jury.

My prejudice is for the truth and I deny that every woman asks for it.  I
have never and will never claim that women do not at times make totally
false claims and that the truth may be entirely on the other side.
Best,     Terry 

"Lawyer - one trained to circumvent the law"  - The Devil's Dictionary 

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