Lee Jenkins wrote:
> Well, I'd say yes since I use MGM with tiOPF all the time :)  Actually, I'm 
> still using them within the Form/View of my MVC implementation, but MGM 
> didn't 
> seem quite as suited for the job of mediating an entire form whereas MVC did.

My Forms contain less and less code by the day. To solve the long 
standing issue of instantiating those mediators, I've played around with 
the idea of having some design time component I can drop on a form and 
hooking up the components that need to be used as 'views'.  I started 
off by using some registry for helper objects so I don't actually have 
to know which mediator gets used for which object property. It's not 
100% complete, but I believe it's heading in the right direction. ;-)

As a side note:
I'm busy writing articles on MGM, MVC and MVP.  For the MVP article I'm 
trying to coincide it with a MVP implementation for tiOPF. I've finally 
started understanding the different parts involved in MVP!

   - Graeme -

fpGUI - a cross-platform GUI toolkit using Free Pascal

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