On Fri, 16 May 2008, Graeme Geldenhuys wrote:

> Lee Jenkins wrote:
> > 
> > Well, I'd say yes since I use MGM with tiOPF all the time :)  Actually, I'm 
> > still using them within the Form/View of my MVC implementation, but MGM 
> > didn't 
> > seem quite as suited for the job of mediating an entire form whereas MVC 
> > did.
> My Forms contain less and less code by the day. To solve the long 
> standing issue of instantiating those mediators, I've played around with 
> the idea of having some design time component I can drop on a form and 
> hooking up the components that need to be used as 'views'.  I started 
> off by using some registry for helper objects so I don't actually have 
> to know which mediator gets used for which object property. It's not 
> 100% complete, but I believe it's heading in the right direction. ;-)

That's not fair, I wanted to implement this !!!
For once I had something fun scheduled at my job... :)

Will you include your implementation in tiOPF ?

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