
I'm currently working on the MaskEdit unit, which is ATM not totally
Delphi compatible  ;)
Since I only have an ancient Delphi (D3) (on ancient hardware, so I
cannnot even run newer versions) I have some questions on the
behaviour of MaskEdit in current delphi versions.

Question 1:

If I set the text of a MaskEdit to some value that does not match the
mask (e.g. EditMask = '0000' and then MaskEdit.Text := 'ABCD'), in D3
no exception is raised and the text in the control is set. Is this
still the case in current Delphi's?
(In Lazarus ATM an Exception is raised if you try to do that)

Question 2:
What does an exclamationmark (!) in a mask actually do. The helptext
says it removes leading spaces from the data (what data?) and if no !
is in the mask it removes trailing spaces. In real live I see no
effect on either MaskEdit.Text or MaskEdit.EditText at all.

Question 3:
In the EditMask you can specify if the mask will be saved as pasrt of
the data (again: what data?). For instance, if your EditMask is
'000;0;_' then maskdata is not saved (the first 0 after the colon ( ;
) sets this value).
I cannot really figure out what it does. I see noe effect n Text or
EditText at all.

Regarding questions 2 and 3: I could, of course, try and understand
the VCL code, but that would probably increase the risk of writing
code that is almost identical to the copyrighted VCL code.

Thanks for now.

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