On Sat, Dec 27, 2008 at 10:07, Bart <bartjun...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Question 1:
> If I set the text of a MaskEdit to some value that does not match the
> mask (e.g. EditMask = '0000' and then MaskEdit.Text := 'ABCD'), in D3
> no exception is raised and the text in the control is set. Is this
> still the case in current Delphi's?
> (In Lazarus ATM an Exception is raised if you try to do that)

I am not sure how modern Delphi behaves, but I'd say that Lazarus
way is correct here -- this is clearly a programmes's error.
OTOH, I think it would be useful to provide a separate function
like 'TrySetText' which whould return false instead if saising an exception.

> Question 3:
> In the EditMask you can specify if the mask will be saved as pasrt of
> the data (again: what data?). For instance, if your EditMask is
> '000;0;_' then maskdata is not saved (the first 0 after the colon ( ;
> ) sets this value).
> I cannot really figure out what it does. I see noe effect n Text or
> EditText at all.

If you mask includes non-special characters, those are displayed in
the editor as-is,
e.g. if mask is "000-00-00" and the user enters "1234567", the editor
would contain
"123-45-67". Depending on the value of the flag, the actual Text property
will contain either "1234567" or "123-45-67".

Alexander S. Klenin
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