Hi, please anybody can tell me some way to debug that error or figure why is


2009/2/26 German Gentile <german.gent...@petrobox.net>

> Hi, anybody can help me with that error? Im losting my ear.
> Is a migrated program from delphi. At the beginning when try to create a
> TdataModule ,
> Application.Initialize;
>   Application.Title:='Sample DataModule';
>   Application.CreateForm(TServerDataModule, ServerDataModule);
> raises it:
> [WARNING] Out of OEM specific VK codes, changing to unassigned
> [WARNING] Out of unassigned VK codes, assigning $FF
> [FORMS.PP] ExceptionOccurred
>   Sender=EStreamError
>   Exception=Failed to initialize component: No streaming method available.
>   Stack trace:
>   $0000000000EB78A4
>   $0000000000DBDAAF line 1882 of include/application.inc
>   $0000000000D8C186 line 79 of SampleData.dpr
> TApplication.HandleException Failed to initialize component: No streaming
> method available.
>   Stack trace:
>   $0000000000EB78A4
>   $0000000000DBDAAF line 1882 of include/application.inc
>   $0000000000D8C186 line 79 of SampleData.dpr
> I cannot find where is the problem. A step debug show it raises at
> application.inc
> procedure TApplication.CreateForm(InstanceClass: TComponentClass;
>   out Reference);
> [..]
>    if (FCreatingForm=nil) and (Instance is TForm) then
>       FCreatingForm:=TForm(Instance);
>     Instance.Create(Self);             <---- raises exception
> Hope somebody can give me a help.
> Best regards.
> --
> Donald Shimoda
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