On Mon, Apr 20, 2009 at 01:28, Paul Ishenin <webpi...@mail.ru> wrote:
> Martin Friebe wrote:
>> Hm, while some of them probably are most likely to be used to find
>> possible issues, there is no need to see them as an "problem indicator"
>> only.
>> So point 1 is "correct" as they are a collecion of numbers "figures"
>> Still, maybe they would be better named as "statistics"? (maybe
>> "analytics" ?)
> I would call them "IDE Hints" or "Code Hints". But "Figures" are also ok
> for me.

My main point with the name is usability. The name should convey
at least something about the named object to an unprepared reader --
this is an important rule both in programming and interface design.
So yes, 'code hints', 'analytics' -- anything suggested in this thread
is better than 'figures'.
(Not 'statistics', however, which, by the way, would be another
interesting feature)

Alexander S. Klenin
Lazarus mailing list

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