On Mon, Apr 20, 2009 at 01:10, Marco van de Voort <mar...@stack.nl> wrote:
> On Mon, Apr 20, 2009 at 12:00:07AM +1100, Alexander Klenin wrote:
>> However, the checks I suggested are very far from 'nazi' level.
>> Truly nazi-checks would include things as
>> 'begin statement never/always alone on the line',
> Funny that you think that is extreme. begin always alone on a newline, is
> about the only convention I insist on.

The problem with this particular convention it that it is probably the hottest
holy war topic in all Pascal stylistics discussions.
For example, I (and company I work at) insist on the opposite ;-)
So if it is ever implemented, it should include 'always/never' switch.

Alexander S. Klenin
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