On Tue, Oct 18, 2016 at 1:11 AM, Michael Schnell via Lazarus <
lazarus@lists.lazarus-ide.org> wrote:

> On 17.10.2016 21:05, Lars via Lazarus wrote:
>> The big issue with teaching using a RAD tool, is welding the program logic
>> into the onclick events, instead of decoupling the logic in separate
>> procedures that can be reused elsewhere.
> As you point out in the text this is as well a pro (easy fast solving of
> small unitary tasks) as a con (bad reusability, bad code when doing big
> projects).
> But as Learning of course starts with doing small unitary tasks RAD
> obviously is a great help to fight the FUD and prejudice the students might
> have regarding programming.
> Of course it's great to dedicate a (later) lesson to un-RAD-ing your code
> in order to be prepared for bigger tasks.
> -Michael
> --
> _______________________________________________

Order of teaching is not so critical : As you say , write a GUI program for
events : Say : "Now it is necessary to define what will be done for the
events ? ... Its way is the following : Write your program parts in that
way ..."

My application was like the following ( as a very simple example ) :

Pose a problem "Display your name ."
After this is done :

"Display your name 10 times ."

The students were not able to write their programs . Then , solution was
"You should use a loop ."
"A loop is defined in the following ways : ... "

Such an approach is used frequently in Mathematics text books :

Subject text .

Problems ..

Last problems were "Unsolvable" with the above text .

Solution :
"Read the next chapter ..."


Such approaches are "the Art of Teaching" ...

Mehmet Erol Sanliturk
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