
I implemented a basic support for Amiga systems

with FPC 3.0+: Amiga 3.x m68k, MorphOS PowerPC, AROS i386

with FPC 3.1.1: additionally AROS ARM, AROS x86_64, AmigaOS 4 PowerPC

at the moment it only compiles NoGUI of course, but I would like to also add the MUI LCL interface to the official repository, on the long run. If it is possible and wanted.

Since 2010 I'm working on Lazarus/LCL MUI interface for Amiga Systems. At the moment on github https://github.com/alb42/lazarus/tree/lazarus-morphos some Results of this available at my Blog: https://blog.alb42.de/category/fpc/lcl/

Is it possible to add this initial Amiga systems support? How about this MUI LCL Interface?


Marcus "ALB42" Sackrow

Index: components/codetools/fileprocs.pas
--- components/codetools/fileprocs.pas	(Revision 53782)
+++ components/codetools/fileprocs.pas	(Arbeitskopie)
@@ -56,7 +56,7 @@
   TFPCMemStreamSeekType = integer;
   PCharZ = Pointer;
-{$if defined(Windows) or defined(darwin)}
+{$if defined(Windows) or defined(darwin) or defined(HASAMIGA)}
 {$define CaseInsensitiveFilenames}
 {$IF defined(CaseInsensitiveFilenames) or defined(darwin)}
@@ -365,8 +365,10 @@
 // to get more detailed error messages consider the os
 {$IFnDEF Windows}
+{$ifndef HASAMIGA}
 {$IFDEF EnableWrapperFunctions}
@@ -1309,7 +1311,7 @@
   if SearchCase=ctsfcAllCase then
   if SearchCase in [ctsfcDefault,ctsfcLoUpCase] then begin
@@ -1317,7 +1319,7 @@
   if LazFileUtils.FindFirstUTF8(Base+FileMask,faAnyFile,FileInfo)=0 then
Index: components/codetools/ppugraph.pas
--- components/codetools/ppugraph.pas	(Revision 53782)
+++ components/codetools/ppugraph.pas	(Arbeitskopie)
@@ -30,12 +30,19 @@
-  Classes, SysUtils, dynlibs, PPUParser, CodeTree, AVL_Tree, FileProcs,
+  Classes, SysUtils,
+  {$ifndef HASAMIGA}
+  dynlibs,
+  {$endif}
+  PPUParser, CodeTree, AVL_Tree, FileProcs,
   LazFileUtils, BasicCodeTools, CodeGraph, CodeToolManager, CodeToolsStructs;
   FPCPPUGroupPrefix = 'fpc_';
+  {$ifdef HASAMIGA}
+  SharedSuffix = 'library';
+  {$endif}
   TPPUGroup = class;
@@ -44,7 +51,7 @@
   TPPUMemberFlags = set of TPPUMemberFlag;
   { TPPUMember }
   TPPUMember = class
@@ -133,7 +140,7 @@
     property UnitGraph: TCodeGraph read FUnitGraph;
     property SortedGroups[Index: integer]: TPPUGroup read GetSortedGroups;
 function ComparePPUMembersByUnitName(Member1, Member2: Pointer): integer;
 function CompareNameWithPPUMemberName(NamePChar, Member: Pointer): integer;
@@ -218,7 +225,7 @@
   //debugln('Initialization proc: ',InitializationMangledName);
   //debugln('Finalization proc: ',FinalizationMangledName);
@@ -381,7 +388,7 @@
     for i:=0 to UsesList.Count-1 do
   procedure AddDependencies(Main: boolean);
     AVLNode: TAVLTreeNode;
@@ -414,7 +421,7 @@
   // add primary dependencies
   // add secondary dependencies
@@ -480,8 +487,8 @@
   // needed groups in topological order
   if Groups.GroupGraph.GetGraphNode(KeyNode,false)=nil then
     raise Exception.Create('inconsistency');
   for i:=0 to Groups.FSortedGroups.Count-1 do begin
@@ -787,7 +794,7 @@
   // update loader units
   if not UpdateLoaders then exit;
Index: components/lazutils/amigafileutil.inc
--- components/lazutils/amigafileutil.inc	(nicht existent)
+++ components/lazutils/amigafileutil.inc	(Arbeitskopie)
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+{%MainUnit fileutil.pas}
+function ExtractShortPathNameUTF8(const FileName: String): String;
+  Result:=SysToUTF8(SysUtils.ExtractShortPathName(UTF8ToSys(FileName)));

Eigenschaftsänderungen: components/lazutils/amigafileutil.inc
Added: svn:eol-style
## -0,0 +1 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Added: svn:mime-type
## -0,0 +1 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Index: components/lazutils/amigalazfileutils.inc
--- components/lazutils/amigalazfileutils.inc	(nicht existent)
+++ components/lazutils/amigalazfileutils.inc	(Arbeitskopie)
@@ -0,0 +1,330 @@
+{%MainUnit lazfileutils.pas}
+function FilenameIsAbsolute(const TheFilename: string):boolean;
+  Result := Pos(':', TheFilename) > 1;
+function FileOpenUTF8(const FileName: string; Mode: Integer): THandle;
+  Result := SysUtils.FileOpen(UTF8ToSys(FileName), Mode);
+function FileCreateUTF8(const FileName: string): THandle;
+  Result := SysUtils.FileCreate(UTF8ToSys(FileName));
+function FileCreateUTF8(const FileName: string; Rights: Cardinal): THandle;
+  Result := SysUtils.FileCreate(UTF8ToSys(FileName), Rights);
+function FileCreateUtf8(const FileName: String; ShareMode: Integer;
+  Rights: Cardinal): THandle;
+  Result := SysUtils.FileCreate(UTF8ToSys(FileName), ShareMode, Rights);
+function FileGetAttrUTF8(const FileName: String): Longint;
+  Result:=SysUtils.FileGetAttr(UTF8ToSys(Filename));
+function FileSetAttrUTF8(const Filename: String; Attr: longint): Longint;
+  Result:=SysUtils.FileSetAttr(UTF8ToSys(Filename),Attr);
+  InvalidateFileStateCache(Filename);
+function FileExistsUTF8(const Filename: string): boolean;
+  Result:=SysUtils.FileExists(UTF8ToSys(Filename));
+function DirectoryExistsUTF8(const Directory: string): Boolean;
+  Result:=SysUtils.DirectoryExists(UTF8ToSys(Directory));
+function FileAgeUTF8(const FileName: string): Longint;
+  Result:=SysUtils.FileAge(UTF8ToSys(Filename));
+function FileSetDateUTF8(const FileName: String; Age: Longint): Longint;
+  Result := SysUtils.FileSetDate(UTF8ToSys(Filename), Age);
+  InvalidateFileStateCache(Filename);
+function FileSizeUtf8(const Filename: string): int64;
+  Info: TSearchRec;
+  Str: AnsiString;
+  Result := 0;
+  Str := Utf8ToAnsi(Filename);
+  if SysUtils.FindFirst (str, faAnyFile and faDirectory, Info) = 0 then
+  begin
+    Result := Info.Size;
+  end;
+  SysUtils.FindClose(Info);
+  function ReadAllLinks(const Filename: string;
+    ExceptionOnError: boolean): string;
+ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
+function ReadAllLinks(const Filename: string;
+  ExceptionOnError: boolean): string;
+    Result:='';
+function GetPhysicalFilename(const Filename: string;
+  OnError: TPhysicalFilenameOnError): string;
+  Result:=Filename;
+function CreateDirUTF8(const NewDir: String): Boolean;
+  Result:=SysUtils.CreateDir(UTF8ToSys(NewDir));
+function RemoveDirUTF8(const Dir: String): Boolean;
+  Result:=SysUtils.RemoveDir(UTF8ToSys(Dir));
+function DeleteFileUTF8(const FileName: String): Boolean;
+  Result:=SysUtils.DeleteFile(UTF8ToSys(Filename));
+  if Result then
+    InvalidateFileStateCache;
+function RenameFileUTF8(const OldName, NewName: String): Boolean;
+  Result:=SysUtils.RenameFile(UTF8ToSys(OldName),UTF8ToSys(NewName));
+  if Result then
+    InvalidateFileStateCache;
+function SetCurrentDirUTF8(const NewDir: String): Boolean;
+  Result:=SysUtils.SetCurrentDir(UTF8ToSys(NewDir));
+function FindFirstUTF8(const Path: string; Attr: Longint; out Rslt: TSearchRec
+  ): Longint;
+  Result:=SysUtils.FindFirst(UTF8ToSys(Path),Attr,Rslt);
+  Rslt.Name:=SysToUTF8(Rslt.Name);
+function FindNextUTF8(var Rslt: TSearchRec): Longint;
+  Rslt.Name:=UTF8ToSys(Rslt.Name);
+  Result:=SysUtils.FindNext(Rslt);
+  Rslt.Name:=SysToUTF8(Rslt.Name);
+function ExpandFileNameUTF8(const FileName: string; BaseDir: string): string;
+  IsAbs: Boolean;
+  CurDir, Fn: String;
+  Fn := FileName;
+  ForcePathDelims(Fn);
+  IsAbs := FileNameIsAbsolute(Fn);
+  if (not IsAbs) then
+  begin
+    CurDir := GetCurrentDirUtf8;
+  end;
+  if IsAbs then
+  begin
+    Result := ResolveDots(Fn);
+  end
+  else
+  begin
+    if (BaseDir = '') then
+      Fn := IncludeTrailingPathDelimiter(CurDir) + Fn
+    else
+      Fn := IncludeTrailingPathDelimiter(BaseDir) + Fn;
+    Fn := ResolveDots(Fn);
+    //if BaseDir is not absolute then this needs to be expanded as well
+    if not FileNameIsAbsolute(Fn) then
+      Fn := ExpandFileNameUtf8(Fn, '');
+    Result := Fn;
+  end;
+function GetCurrentDirUTF8: String;
+  Result:=SysToUTF8(SysUtils.GetCurrentDir);
+function FileIsExecutable(const AFilename: string): boolean;
+  Fn: string;
+  MyLock: BPTR;
+  Info: TFileInfoBlock;
+  Result := False;
+  Fn := Utf8ToSys(AFilename);
+  MyLock := AmigaDos.Lock(PChar(Fn), SHARED_LOCK);
+  if PtrUInt(MyLock) <> 0 then
+  begin
+    Examine(MyLock, @Info);
+    Result := (Info.fib_Protection and FIBF_EXECUTE) <> 0;
+    AmigaDos.UnLock(MyLock);
+  end;
+procedure CheckIfFileIsExecutable(const AFilename: string);
+  // TProcess does not report, if a program can not be executed
+  // to get good error messages consider the OS
+  if not FileExistsUTF8(AFilename) then begin
+    raise Exception.Create(SysUtils.Format(lrsFileDoesNotExist, [AFilename]));
+  end;
+  if DirPathExists(AFilename) then begin
+    raise Exception.Create(SysUtils.Format(lrsFileIsADirectoryAndNotAnExecutable, [
+      AFilename]));
+  end;
+function FileIsSymlink(const AFilename: string): boolean;
+  Result := False;
+procedure CheckIfFileIsSymlink(const AFilename: string);
+  // to get good error messages consider the OS
+  if not FileExistsUTF8(AFilename) then begin
+    raise Exception.Create(SysUtils.Format(lrsFileDoesNotExist, [AFilename]));
+  end;
+  if not FileIsSymLink(AFilename) then
+    raise Exception.Create(SysUtils.Format(lrsIsNotASymbolicLink, [AFilename]));
+function FileIsHardLink(const AFilename: string): boolean;
+  Result := false;
+function FileIsReadable(const AFilename: string): boolean;
+  Fn: string;
+  MyLock: BPTR;
+  Info: TFileInfoBlock;
+  Result := False;
+  Fn := Utf8ToSys(AFilename);
+  MyLock := AmigaDos.Lock(PChar(Fn), SHARED_LOCK);
+  if PtrUInt(MyLock) <> 0 then
+  begin
+    Examine(MyLock, @Info);
+    Result := (Info.fib_Protection and FIBF_READ) <> 0;
+    AmigaDos.UnLock(MyLock);
+  end;
+function FileIsWritable(const AFilename: string): boolean;
+  Fn: string;
+  MyLock: BPTR;
+  Info: TFileInfoBlock;
+  Result := False;
+  Fn := Utf8ToSys(AFilename);
+  MyLock := AmigaDos.Lock(PChar(Fn), SHARED_LOCK);
+  if PtrUInt(MyLock) <> 0 then
+  begin
+    Examine(MyLock, @Info);
+    Result := (Info.fib_Protection and FIBF_WRITE) <> 0;
+    AmigaDos.UnLock(MyLock);
+  end;
+function IsUNCPath(const Path: String): Boolean;
+  Result := false;
+function ExtractUNCVolume(const Path: String): String;
+  Result := '';
+function GetFileDescription(const AFilename: string): string;
+  Fn: string;
+  MyLock: BPTR;
+  Info: TFileInfoBlock;
+  Result := '';
+  Fn := Utf8ToSys(AFilename);
+  MyLock := AmigaDos.Lock(PChar(Fn), SHARED_LOCK);
+  if PtrUInt(MyLock) <> 0 then
+  begin
+    Examine(MyLock, @Info);
+    if (Info.fib_Protection and FIBF_ARCHIVE) <> 0 then
+      Result := Result + 'a';
+    if (Info.fib_Protection and FIBF_SCRIPT) <> 0 then
+      Result := Result + 's';
+    if (Info.fib_Protection and FIBF_PURE) <> 0 then
+      Result := Result + 'p';
+    if (Info.fib_Protection and FIBF_EXECUTE) <> 0 then
+      Result := Result + 'e';
+    if (Info.fib_Protection and FIBF_READ) <> 0 then
+      Result := Result + 'r';
+    if (Info.fib_Protection and FIBF_WRITE) <> 0 then
+      Result := Result + 'w';
+    if (Info.fib_Protection and FIBF_DELETE) <> 0 then
+      Result := Result + 'd';
+    AmigaDos.UnLock(MyLock);
+  end;
+function GetAppConfigDirUTF8(Global: Boolean; Create: boolean = false): string;
+  Result := SysToUTF8(SysUtils.GetAppConfigDir(Global));
+  if Result = '' then exit;
+  if Create and not ForceDirectoriesUTF8(Result) then
+    raise EInOutError.Create(SysUtils.Format(lrsUnableToCreateConfigDirectoryS,[Result]));
+function GetAppConfigFileUTF8(Global: Boolean; SubDir: boolean;
+  CreateDir: boolean): string;
+  Dir: string;
+  Result := SysToUTF8(SysUtils.GetAppConfigFile(Global,SubDir));
+  if not CreateDir then exit;
+  Dir := ExtractFilePath(Result);
+  if Dir = '' then exit;
+  if not ForceDirectoriesUTF8(Dir) then
+    raise EInOutError.Create(SysUtils.Format(lrsUnableToCreateConfigDirectoryS,[Dir]));
+function GetShellLinkTarget(const FileName: string): string;
+  Result := Filename;
+procedure InitLazFileUtils;
+  //dummy
+procedure FinalizeLazFileUtils;
+  //dummy

Eigenschaftsänderungen: components/lazutils/amigalazfileutils.inc
Added: svn:eol-style
## -0,0 +1 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Added: svn:mime-type
## -0,0 +1 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Index: components/lazutils/amigalazutf8.inc
--- components/lazutils/amigalazutf8.inc	(nicht existent)
+++ components/lazutils/amigalazutf8.inc	(Arbeitskopie)
@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
+{%MainUnit lazutf8.pas}
+function ConsoleToUTF8(const s: string): string;// converts UTF8 string to console encoding (used by Write, WriteLn)
+  Result := SysToUTF8(S);
+function UTF8ToConsole(const s: string): string;
+  Result := UTF8ToSys(s);
+function WinCPToUTF8(const s: string): string;
+  if NeedRTLAnsi and (not IsASCII(s)) then
+  begin
+    Result:=AnsiToUTF8(s);
+    {$ifdef FPC_HAS_CPSTRING}
+    // prevent UTF8 codepage appear in the strings - we don't need codepage
+    // conversion magic in LCL code
+    SetCodePage(RawByteString(Result), StringCodePage(s), False);
+    {$endif}
+  end
+  else
+    Result:=s;
+function UTF8ToWinCP(const s: string): string;
+  if NeedRTLAnsi and (not IsASCII(s)) then
+    Result:=UTF8ToAnsi(s)
+  else
+    Result:=s;
+function ParamStrUTF8(Param: Integer): string;
+  Result:=SysToUTF8(ObjPas.ParamStr(Param));
+procedure InitLazUtf8;
+  //dummy procedure
+procedure FinalizeLazUTF8;
+  //dummy procedure

Eigenschaftsänderungen: components/lazutils/amigalazutf8.inc
Added: svn:eol-style
## -0,0 +1 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Added: svn:mime-type
## -0,0 +1 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Index: components/lazutils/fileutil.pas
--- components/lazutils/fileutil.pas	(Revision 53782)
+++ components/lazutils/fileutil.pas	(Arbeitskopie)
@@ -29,8 +29,8 @@
   Classes, SysUtils,
   Masks, LazUTF8, LazFileUtils, StrUtils;
-{$if defined(Windows) or defined(darwin)}
+{$if defined(Windows) or defined(darwin) or defined(HASAMIGA)}
 {$define CaseInsensitiveFilenames}
 {$IF defined(CaseInsensitiveFilenames) or defined(darwin)}
@@ -284,7 +284,11 @@
 {$IFDEF windows}
+  AmigaDOS;
+  {$ELSE}
+  {$ENDIF}
 {$I fileutil.inc}
@@ -291,7 +295,11 @@
 {$IFDEF windows}
   {$i winfileutil.inc}
+  {$i amigafileutil.inc}
+  {$ELSE}
   {$i unixfileutil.inc}
+  {$ENDIF}
Index: components/lazutils/lazfileutils.pas
--- components/lazutils/lazfileutils.pas	(Revision 53782)
+++ components/lazutils/lazfileutils.pas	(Arbeitskopie)
@@ -24,6 +24,9 @@
 {$IFDEF darwin}
   {$define CaseInsensitiveFilenames}
+  {$define CaseInsensitiveFilenames}
 {$IF defined(CaseInsensitiveFilenames) or defined(darwin)}
   {$DEFINE NotLiteralFilenames} // e.g. HFS+ normalizes file names
@@ -168,10 +171,14 @@
 {$IFDEF Windows}
   Windows {$IFnDEF WinCE}, ShlObj, ActiveX, WinDirs{$ENDIF};
-  {$IFDEF darwin}
-  MacOSAll,
+  exec, amigados;
+  {$ELSE}
+    {$IFDEF darwin}
+    MacOSAll,
+    {$ENDIF}
+    Unix, BaseUnix;
-  Unix, BaseUnix;
 {$I lazfileutils.inc}
@@ -178,7 +185,11 @@
 {$IFDEF windows}
   {$I winlazfileutils.inc}
-  {$I unixlazfileutils.inc}
+  {$ifdef HASAMIGA}
+    {$I amigalazfileutils.inc}
+  {$ELSE}
+    {$I unixlazfileutils.inc}
+  {$ENDIF}
 function CompareFilenames(const Filename1, Filename2: string): integer;
@@ -1026,7 +1037,7 @@
-      Result:=Format('%s%.5d.tmp',[Start,I]);
+      Result:=SysUtils.Format('%s%.5d.tmp',[Start,I]);
     until not FileExistsUTF8(Result);
Index: components/lazutils/lazutf8.pas
--- components/lazutils/lazutf8.pas	(Revision 53782)
+++ components/lazutils/lazutf8.pas	(Arbeitskopie)
@@ -227,7 +227,11 @@
 {$ifdef windows}
   {$i winlazutf8.inc}
+  {$ifdef HASAMIGA}
+  {$i amigalazutf8.inc}
+  {$else}
   {$i unixlazutf8.inc}
+  {$endif}
@@ -2158,9 +2162,9 @@
         2C60;LATIN CAPITAL LETTER L WITH DOUBLE BAR;Lu;0;L;;;;;N;;;;2C61; E2 B1 A0 => +1
         2C61;LATIN SMALL LETTER L WITH DOUBLE BAR;Ll;0;L;;;;;N;;;2C60;;2C60
-        2C62;LATIN CAPITAL LETTER L WITH MIDDLE TILDE;Lu;0;L;;;;;N;;;;026B; => 	C9 AB
+        2C62;LATIN CAPITAL LETTER L WITH MIDDLE TILDE;Lu;0;L;;;;;N;;;;026B; =>  C9 AB
         2C63;LATIN CAPITAL LETTER P WITH STROKE;Lu;0;L;;;;;N;;;;1D7D; => E1 B5 BD
-        2C64;LATIN CAPITAL LETTER R WITH TAIL;Lu;0;L;;;;;N;;;;027D; => 	C9 BD
+        2C64;LATIN CAPITAL LETTER R WITH TAIL;Lu;0;L;;;;;N;;;;027D; =>  C9 BD
         2C65;LATIN SMALL LETTER A WITH STROKE;Ll;0;L;;;;;N;;;023A;;023A
         2C67;LATIN CAPITAL LETTER H WITH DESCENDER;Lu;0;L;;;;;N;;;;2C68; => E2 B1 A8
Index: components/lazutils/lazutf8sysutils.pas
--- components/lazutils/lazutf8sysutils.pas	(Revision 53782)
+++ components/lazutils/lazutf8sysutils.pas	(Arbeitskopie)
@@ -24,10 +24,13 @@
   {$ifdef Windows}
-    Unix, BaseUnix,
-    {$If defined(Linux) and (FPC_FULLVERSION<30000)}
-    Linux,
-    {$EndIf}
+    {$ifdef HASAMIGA}
+    {$else}
+      Unix, BaseUnix,
+      {$If defined(Linux) and (FPC_FULLVERSION<30000)}
+      Linux,
+      {$EndIf}
+    {$endif}
Index: lcl/include/sysenvapis_amiga.inc
--- lcl/include/sysenvapis_amiga.inc	(nicht existent)
+++ lcl/include/sysenvapis_amiga.inc	(Arbeitskopie)
@@ -0,0 +1,102 @@
+{%MainUnit ../lclintf.pas}
+{$I ../../components/lazutils/lazutils_defines.inc} //LCL depends on LazUtils, so this is OK
+function IsLaunchWinApp(ABrowser: WideString): Boolean;
+  Result := False;
+//not every AppUserModelID we retrieve using GetDefaultBrowserWideByAppID
+//accepts paramters (e.g. the URL)
+function LaunchWinAppBrowserCanHandleParams(ABrowser: WideString): Boolean;
+  Result := False;
+function GetDefaultBrowserWideByAppID: WideString;
+  Result := '';
+function GetDefaultBrowserWideByCmd: WideString;
+  Result := '';
+procedure ExtractBrowserAndParamsWide(const S: WideString; out ABrowser, AParams: WideString);
+  ABrowser := S;
+  AParams := '%s';
+function FindDefaultBrowserWide(out ABrowser, AParams: WideString): Boolean;
+  ABrowser := '';
+  AParams := '"%s"';
+function FindDefaultBrowserUtf8(out ABrowser, AParams: String): Boolean;
+  QueryRes: String;
+  WideBrowser, WideParams: WideString;
+  Result := FindDefaultBrowserWide(WideBrowser, WideParams);
+  ABrowser := Utf16ToUtf8(WideBrowser);
+  AParams := Utf16ToUtf8(WideParams);
+function FindDefaultBrowser(out ABrowser, AParams: String): Boolean;
+  Result := FindDefaultBrowserUtf8(ABrowser, AParams);
+  ABrowser := Utf8ToWinCp(ABrowser);
+  AParams := Utf8ToWinCp(AParams);
+function IsFileUriScheme(const AURL: String): Boolean;
+  FileURIScheme = 'file://';
+  Result := (CompareText(Copy(AURL,1,Length(FileURIScheme)), FileURIScheme) = 0);
+function IsHtmlWithAnchor(AURL: String): Boolean;
+  AnchorPos, HtmlPos: SizeInt;
+  Result := False;
+  //Anchor will be defined by last '#' in AURL;
+  AnchorPos := Length(AURL);
+  while (AnchorPos < 0) and (AURL[AnchorPos] <> '#') do Dec(AnchorPos);
+  if (AnchorPos > 0) then
+  begin
+    AURL := UpperCase(AURL); //don't care about UTF8
+    HtmlPos := Pos('.HTM', AURL);
+    if (HtmlPos = 0) then HtmlPos := Pos('.HTML', AURL);
+    Result := (HtmlPos > 0) and (AnchorPos > HtmlPos);
+  end;
+//Currently only used to open a local html file with a specified anchor
+//but in theory should be able to handle all URL's
+function FindDefaultBrowserAndOpenUrl(AURL: String; IsFileURI: Boolean=False{; IsLocalWithAnchor: Boolean=False}): Boolean;
+  Result := False;
+// Open a given URL with whatever Windows thinks is appropriate
+function OpenURL(AURL: String): Boolean;
+  Result := False;
+// Open a document with the default application associated with it in the system
+function OpenDocument(APath: String): Boolean;
+  Result := OpenURL(APath);

Eigenschaftsänderungen: lcl/include/sysenvapis_amiga.inc
Added: svn:eol-style
## -0,0 +1 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Added: svn:mime-type
## -0,0 +1 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Index: lcl/lclintf.pas
--- lcl/lclintf.pas	(Revision 53782)
+++ lcl/lclintf.pas	(Arbeitskopie)
@@ -213,6 +213,9 @@
 {$ifdef Windows}
   {$I sysenvapis_win.inc}
+{$ifdef HASAMIGA}
+  {$I sysenvapis_amiga.inc}
 {$ifdef UNIX}
   {$ifdef darwin}
     {$I sysenvapis_mac.inc}
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