On 2017-05-03 10:25, Ondrej Pokorny via Lazarus wrote:
> You can start the console with UTF-8 codepage: 
> http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14109024/how-to-make-unicode-charset-in-cmd-exe-by-default
> Then you have full unicode (utf-8) support.

Or use the much better console alternatives. The Windows platform is
finally catching on to what was been available in X11 environments for
years - multiple choice on consoles.

For example, take a look at ConEmu for Windows.
  * Tab support built-in
  * Resizeable console windows
  * User defined encoding per console window
  * Font choice
  * better mouse & clipboard support
  * User defined "console engine" per window or tab.
    eg: I can have Bash run in one tab and the standard
     windows console in another.
  * color customisation
  * transparency support


I don't know why anybody would still want to run the standard Windows
console - it is 20 years behind everybody else.


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