On Fri, 5 May 2017, Mattias Gaertner via Lazarus wrote:

I simply can't see myself moving past FPC 2.6.4 at this point. FPC 3.x just 
doesn't make any sense.

AFAIK you are using UTF-8 in AnsiString in FPC 2.6.4. That works in
many cases, because of double fooling the compiler. This trick does not
work on Windows with RTL file functions though. The good news is that the same trick works in FPC 3.0. And with some new
tricks it is now possible to make the RTL file functions support UTF-8.
Of course it would be nicer, if we don't need tricks to get Unicode.

What tricks do you still need in 3.0.x ?

As far as I know, you don't need any tricks to work with unicode filenames
or output in 3.0.2. Maybe with exception of TStrings and TFileStream.

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