
I'm using an Ergodox keyboard, and have a shortcut layer setup in my keyboard layout. This allows me a single key press, yet sends a complex key sequence to the OS. The same can be achieved with normal keyboards and some extra software.

This is extremely useful, and more about that can be read here, with an example setup under OSX.

Using the "Hyper" or "Meh" key plus one other key.

   Hyper = Alt + Ctrl + Shift + Cmd/Win
   Meh = Alt + Ctrl + Shift

all that via a single keypress.

   * A Hyper key, as described by Brett Terpstra.

   * A Meh key, which is a less-hyper version of the Hyper key (sends
     Alt+Ctrl+Shift, without Cmd/Win).

So in my fpGUI events test program, if I press one of those shortcut keys, the following sequence is registered:

[Shift Alt Ctrl Super] Key pressed: U
[Shift Alt Ctrl Super] Key released: U

Now in Lazarus IDE, I'm trying to customise some of my frequently used actions using such shortcut keys, but the IDE keyboard shortcut interface dialog, doesn't support the Super (aka Hyper) key modifier. It only supports Shift, Ctrl and Alt (Ergodox equivalent of the Meh key).

Could the IDE key-grab dialog be extended to support the Super (aka Hyper) modifier key as well, or is there some platform limitation, and why it isn't there?


fpGUI Toolkit - a cross-platform GUI toolkit using Free Pascal

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