Thank you Mattias,
unique names solved the issue, I was wrongly naming frames:
MyFrames[i].Name := Format('Frame%d', [i]);

Last question: I am creating Frames within a ScrollBox, but it look like
there is a limit of the ScrollBox height to 32768 pixels.

I'd like to display up to 500 questions (Frames), how can I solve this

[image: Inline images 1]

On 30 June 2017 at 22:59, Mattias Gaertner via Lazarus <> wrote:

> On Fri, 30 Jun 2017 22:46:17 +0200
> Sandro Cumerlato via Lazarus <> wrote:
> > Thank you Adrian for your reply,
> > I can create a good layout with Frames, but it looks like I cannot create
> > multiple frames on the same form... Duplicate name: A component named
> > "Frame1" already exists.
> >
> > I tried to create an array of Frames at runtime:
> >
> > Question 1? (Option A) (Option B)
> > Question 2? (Option A) (Option B)
> > Question 3? (Option A) (Option B)
> > Question 4? (Option A) (Option B)
> > ...
> > Question 200? (Option A) (Option B)
> >
> >
> > var
> >   MyFrames: array[1..200] of TFrame1;
> >
> >
> > Where am I wrong?
> Give your frames unique names.
> DisableAutoSizing;
> try
>   for i:=1 to 200 do begin
>     MyFrames[i]:=TFrame1.Create(Self);
>     with MyFrames[i] do begin
>       Name:='MyFrame'+IntToStr(i);
>       Top:=i*Height;
>       Parent:=Self;
>     end;
>   end;
> finally
>   EnableAutoSizing;
> end;
> Mattias
> --
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