On Fri, 30 Jun 2017 23:10:25 +0200
Sandro Cumerlato via Lazarus <lazarus@lists.lazarus-ide.org> wrote:

> Thank you Mattias,
> unique names solved the issue, I was wrongly naming frames:
> MyFrames[i].Name := Format('Frame%d', [i]);
> Last question: I am creating Frames within a ScrollBox, but it look like
> there is a limit of the ScrollBox height to 32768 pixels.
> I'd like to display up to 500 questions (Frames), how can I solve this
> issue?

I guess you don't expect the user to scroll 32.000+. Instead he should
only scroll your 500 items. Use a TStringgrid (it supports comboboxes)
or implement your own grid using a TScrollBar and a few of your frames -
enough to cover the client area.

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