Le 10/05/2018 à 14:31, Joost van der Sluis via Lazarus a écrit :
Op 10-05-18 om 14:05 schreef Giuliano Colla via Lazarus:
Il 09/05/2018 12:34, Joost van der Sluis via Lazarus ha scritto:
That's more a hack then a solution

I fail to grasp why startlazarus should be a feature, and fpc.sh should be a hack.

Startlazarus is also a hack, because on Windows you can not overwrite an executable which is open and the design is kept consistent between OS'es.

You can perfectly fine use just 'lazarus' on Linux, I never use 'startlazarus'.

Having multiple fpc.cfg files, as it may be required by multiple fpc installations requires invoking the compiler with the appropriate parameters. A script is just the most comfortable way to achieve this result.

Here is the script I use since several years, that maintain 2 or 3 freepascal/lazarus sets and cross compile from linux to win32 (i don't need more). I didn't wrote it, guess I grabbed it from "buildfaq" documentation and added modified it thereafter. I have to removed hard coded paths inside but since I had not changes setup for 10 years, it works! And only one ~/.fpc.cfg



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