On Fri, 08 Jun 2018 20:08:02 +0200, Bo Berglund via Lazarus
<lazarus@lists.lazarus-ide.org> wrote:

>On every line mentioning CustomSort there is an error:
>Error: Identifier not found "CustomSort"
>CustomSort is an identifier in the parent TListView unless I am
>mistaken. This error never appeared in Delphi...

I got off-list help by Werner Pamler to find the problem in the
EasyListView component.
It turns out that CustomSort is *not* available in FPC/Lazarus release
3.0.4/1.8.4, it was added to trunk only a month or so back.

With Werner's help I edited the comctrl.pp and comctrl.inc files to
include the patches that solves the problem and then rebuilt Lazarus.
After this the CustomSort problem disappeared and the EasyListView
component compiled without errors.

Now I have problems installing the package instead because when I
select install it pops up a warning message saying that the package
does not have a Register procedure, which is strange since every
constituent component file has a register method.

How do I add a *package* Register method? And will it place the
components in the package on an IDE tab?

Bo Berglund
Developer in Sweden

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