On Fri, 01 Mar 2019 18:33:00 +0100, Bo Berglund via lazarus
<lazarus@lists.lazarus-ide.org> wrote:

>What have I done wrong here?

Never mind, I found the problem:
The ffmpeg command returned an error code and the output was directed
into stderr rather than stdout.
RunCommandIndir apparently did not receive any data on stdout...

Fixed problem after changing he call to add the command options:

  if RunCommandIndir(ExtractFileDir(videofile),executable,arguments,
returnstr, [poWaitOnExit,poStderrToOutPut]) then
    Result := returnstr
    Result := 'Command returned error'#13#10 + returnstr;

While testing this I also discovered that the FileOpen dialog is
*EXTERMELY* slow to appear.
What can cause this?

  dlgOpen.InitialDir := ReadIniString('Files', 'VideoDir', '');
  dlgOpen.FileName := ExtractFileName(ReadIniString('Files',
'VideoFile', ''));
  if not dlgOpen.Execute then exit;

The dlgOpen.Execute call pops up an unpopulated window after 8
seconds, then chugs along painting the window for another 5 seconds
until it is done 13-14 seconds after the call was made!!!

I have never experienced this kind of delay in earlier versions of
Lazarus, so is there something in this new version running on Windows
7 X64 that is known to cause it?

I installed Lazarus 2.0.0 yesterday on my Windows 7 X64 workstation
when starting this new project since I only had 1.8.0 and earlier
installed before (with fpc 3.0.4).
I have used the dialogs in other projects and never seen this sluggish
behaviour before....

Bo Berglund
Developer in Sweden

lazarus mailing list

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