> Am 03.07.2020 um 14:09 schrieb Special via lazarus 
> <lazarus@lists.lazarus-ide.org>:
> Hi,
> we have many Delphi programs with identifiers containing parts like 'Köln' 
> and 'Liège'. These programs we want to convert to Lazarus. Unfortunately, 
> Lazarus (or FP) seems not to be able to use identifiers with umlaute and 
> accents. Maybe the reason for this could be pure historical and stem from the 
> pre Unicode epoche.
> Manually chanching all those identifiers and modifying the references to them 
> is not very elegant. By the way: Using the international names of cities 
> instead of their orginal names introduces new difficulties. The international 
> name of 'München', for instance, is 'Monaco', the same name as that for the 
> Grimaldi Imperium.
> Circumscribing is also no option. The name of Müllerstadt is 'Müllerstadt' 
> and not 'Muellerstadt'.

Nevertheless German is a bad reason in this case. I think almost every German 
knows that e.g. the umlauts are often replaced by ae, oe, ue. All my email 
addresses are still using Klaempfl instead of Klämpfl. And actually everybody 
does this right.

> Could Lazarus (and/or maybe Free Pascal) be improved to tolerate those 
> identfiers?
> Regards  --  Joe
> -- 
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