On 20/02/2021 13:11, duilio foschi via lazarus wrote:


https://i.ibb.co/jDBfSpZ/4.jpg <https://i.ibb.co/jDBfSpZ/4.jpg>

shows the result I wanted from the start. I can get it only by several
uneeded clicks on the arrows keys...



Then instead of pasting once for each line, press Shift Alt down to set cursors on each line
Do one single paste.

If I count correctly, one keystroke more (assuming that Delphi includes cursor down, in the paste). If in Delphi you do paste,down,paste,down,...  Then in Lazarus its less keystrokes

However, multi caret works only when there are no lines to skip (well you can set carets individually, but thats more work)


my point is: in Lazarus edit the act of inserting a text which is column-selected has the same result that the act of inserting a text which is row-selected. It would be nice to differentiate the results (as it was in Delhi editor) so to satisfy different
needs of the coder.

See my other reply:
- Yes it should be added. (as build in)
- You can (in 2.0.10) add a macro that does it....

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