On 21/02/2021 16:53, Juha Manninen via lazarus wrote:
On Sun, Feb 21, 2021 at 1:30 PM Martin Frb via lazarus <lazarus@lists.lazarus-ide.org <mailto:lazarus@lists.lazarus-ide.org>> wrote:

    And one more thing, if you plan to submit a patch, please add an
    to SynEdit.Options2
    Many people are used to the current behaviour, I do not plan to
    upset them.

This particular feature should not have an option IMO.
Now it can be considered a missing feature or even a bug.
When a user presses Alt-key when selecting, he clearly wants something special to happen with Ctrl-C.

Well, if the user selects a column selection of a single line, then yes (probably).

But if the user selects column over several lines, then pasting already acts different than it would for a normal selection. (Select 3 full lines (start to end) using column selection => paste will be different than the same 3 lines in normal selection)

And users who grew up without the feature may not like it.

Now nothing special happens which is a semi-bug.
I am sure everybody will be happy when this feature gets implemented. I can remember many situations where it would have been useful.
I don't have an example at hand, but I am sure I have more than a few times made the experience that small, seemingly really useful changes got someone coming up wanting the old behaviour back.

IMO there are too many options already.
That is true, or rather they are badly organized. They need break down into basic, and expert (like the mouse options have)

If I accidentally change something during my tests, it takes a long time to figure out what changed and how to revert it.
Take a copy of your ___Options.xml files.
You can restore or diff them.

Please add more options only when really needed.

What I really would want to do, is include config in the keymap.
You could add new commands to the keymap.

So you would assign ctrl-v to
   ecPaste(ColumnAdvanceLine, IndentToContext, TabsToSpaces)

They look like pascal script, but they would not require pascalscript. (PascalScript does not work on all platforms, so it can not be used here)
They would always be a single command, with hardcoded options.

This is like in some browser, you can do config in css, JavaScript or similar.

But that is a topic on its own.

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