On Wed, Oct 27, 2021 at 11:17 PM Juha Manninen via lazarus
<lazarus@lists.lazarus-ide.org> wrote:

>> Attached the codetools popup for TMask.Create constructor.
>> I would think it would be clear enough?

> It is clear for people who know the details already. For new users there is 
> no hint of an extended syntax.
> Anyway, we can consider it as an advanced feature which requires users to 
> study deeper. No problem.

I'm OK with leaving them in, but in time they should be removed.
CreateLegacy in version 3.6 is going to look a little bit "off".

We want people staring to use the "new" syntax (that is: use the
additional last parameter(s)) as fast as possible.
Maybe deprecate them in 2.5 and remove in whatever we release after 2.4?

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