On Wed, 8 Dec 2021 23:28:23 +0200, "R.Smith via lazarus"
<lazarus@lists.lazarus-ide.org> wrote:

>> Is there some non-standard package I could install (from  OLPM or similar) in
>> order to get it working again?
>Not really. The problem is TRichEdit was just a wrapper for the MS 
>Windows RichEdit component, which was born before the days of HTML 
>componenets, so far inferior to anything new. It does not exist anywhere 
>else in the world and so not useful on a cross-platform development 
>system. Not sure if anybody reverse-engineered the RichEdit 
>functionality, but if Google doesn't know then I am relatively sure 
>there isn't.

I do not think I need a TRichEdit just to show the data, a TMemo would probably
suffice as long as I can set a font like Licida Console or other fixed width

But I also need to be able to set the text selection in code...

The application is used to display a panel of the hex representation of the
binary data loaded from file.

When the user selects a data item in a separate item list the corresponding hex
values in the panel shall be selected. The amount of data varies from item to
item and this is the reason for the display.

Also, if a user clicks on a value in the hex list the corresponding data item in
the data list shall be selected and the full scope of the data item selected in
the hex view.

So I need a display component that can handle this:
- an address panel to the left of the main panel, not part of the list
- a main panel showing the hex data in rows of 16 values each
- the data lines shall scroll in sync with the address panel
- the hex values of a data item shall be selected in the main panel
- if the user clicks in the hex panel the clicked item shall be selected


Can TMemo handle this?

If not is there another Lazarus component that can be used?

Bo Berglund
Developer in Sweden

lazarus mailing list

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