On Wed, 8 Dec 2021 16:39:55 -0500, Dmitry Boyarintsev via lazarus
<lazarus@lists.lazarus-ide.org> wrote:

>> Is there some non-standard package I could install (from  OLPM or similar)
>> in
>> order to get it working again?
> you might want to try TRichMemo
>it provides some sort of compatibility with TRichEdit

I looked at the wiki page:

And the Download section says:
"The easiest way to install the stable version of the component is via the

THis was the best way, so I did this and then I replaced the TRichEdit panels
with the TRichMemo instead.

With some small tweaks it seems like it is now working! :-)

THANK YOU for your pointer towards this component! Much obliged!

Bo Berglund
Developer in Sweden

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