Hi Michael,

- update/clone fpc:
git clone https://gitlab.com/freepascal.org/fpc/source.git fpc
** ok

- Switch to unicode branch:
cd fpc **missing in the description
git switch unicodertl
** ok

- Create FPC unicode-rtl-capable compiler
cd fpc ** already in fpc
make all
** ok, beside of the fact that there's no make.exe (no bin) folder in the new fpc file tree. I used make.exe from lazarus fpc 3.2.2.

 - Create .fpc-unicodertl.cfg as per instructions in my first mail.
** There's no fpc.cfg in the new fpc file tree. In lazarus/fpc/3.2.2 it's in fpc\3.2.2\bin\x86_64-win64.

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