On Sat, 15 Apr 2023 13:41:57 +0200, Bo Berglund via lazarus
<lazarus@lists.lazarus-ide.org> wrote:

>I have a project that builds fine on one RPi4 where I have installed Lazarus
>2.2.6/Fpc 3.2.2 from sources.
>This is a rather old device and I am trying to create a backup build unit to
>migrate into
>On this I have installed the same versions but using fpcupdeluxe for arm-linux.
>On the new unit some test projects work fine but the real target project seems
>to have some problems.
>I have retrieved the same project from our Subversion server so the project
>files are the same versions.
>On the original RPi4 I can compile/build/debug just fine.
>But when I try compiling or building the project on the newer RPi4 I get the
>output below in the messages log (the full log as copied from Lazarus 
>The problem seems to come from the Synapse package but this is installed via
>OnlinePackageManeger on both systems...
>What does this mean:
>undefined reference to `SYSTEM_$$_POS$CHAR$RAWBYTESTRING$$LONGINT'
>And what can I do? Is something missing in the fpcupdeluxe installation?
>This has not happened to me before.

So I gave up on this and decided to build a new development device using the
same RPi4 but with a fresh SD-card with the latestr PiOS bullseye version.

After setting up the pi itself and installing the build requirements for
Lazarus/Fpc I could use fpcupdeluxe arm-linux to install the Lazarus 2.2.6/Fpc
3.2.2 combo and set it up using OLPM the way I always do.
This includes installing Synapse40 as well as a number of other packages from my
list, which I always use.

And now the project as checked out via subversion builds fine and works as it
should. It builds both on Windows10 and on RaspberryPi4.

So the errors I had before must be related to the older operating system
(buster) and some missing dependencies maybe.

In any case I am good to go now.

Bo Berglund
Developer in Sweden

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