El 23/5/24 a les 12:58, Mattias Gaertner via lazarus ha escrit:

On 5/23/24 12:47, Luca Olivetti via lazarus wrote:
No, it's not supposed to be a GUI program.
I added it now, it compiles, but then I have the problem reported in the BGRAbitmap bugtracker (and I wonder why it compiled fine without the interfaces unit and the gtk2 widgetset).

I "solved" the "too many libraries" problem using the nogui widgetset.
It's a solution I'm not really comfortable with but it seems to work.
I wonder why, back when when I originally wrote the program with lazarus 2.0.12, neither the "interfaces" unit was needed nor the project pulled so many libraries.

Depends on what you use from BGRA and what that uses from the LCL.

I just use it to convert an image to jpeg and scale it to a fixed size, or to generate a jpeg image with a text in it. The use case is to manage user's avatars from a web application, if an image is provided then it's used as the avatar, otherwise a dummy avatar is generated with the user's initials.

Most of the LCL requires the interfaces unit.

I understand that, what I don't understand is why I didn't need it with lazarus 2.0.12 (and why the program could be build with gtk2 even without the interfaces unit).

Keep in mind that the nogui widgetset is for most part an empty stub.

That's why I'm not really comfortable with it, though it seems to be enough for this application.

Luca Olivetti
Wetron Automation Technology https://wetron.es/
Tel. +34 93 5883004 (Ext.3010)  Fax +34 93 5883007

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